3 Willows – Ann Brashares
ISBN: 9780385736763
Publisher: Delacorte
Genre: Fiction
Age Level: 10+
Reader’s Annotation: When three best friends start to fall apart at the start of middle school, each must make a conscious choice to fight for their friendship.
Summary: Ann Brashares is on familiar ground with this story of three young girls. Polly, Jo and Ama met in third grade, but things change when you get older. During the summer before 9th grade each girl finds herself drawn to other friends and other activities. It seems the things that held them together for so long, are no longer the things that they each find important. Don’t think that this is a repeat of the Sisterhood series. Instead, this first title in a proposed trilogy deals with younger girls navigating a friendship that has already been lost. While Tibby and Lena make brief appearances, fans will be disappointed if they expect another round with the traveling pants.
Evaluation: Aimed at a solid tween market, Brashares once again does a great job of naming that un-nameable feeling that teens are often faced with.
Author Info: Author of hugely popular Sisterhood series
Booktalk Ideas: Are you still friends with the girls you grew up with? Why not?
Selection: I love the Sisterhood books and really looked forward to this one.