Love is Hell - multiple authors
ISBN: 9780061443046
Publisher: Harper Teen
Genre: Short Stories
Age Level: 9+
Reader’s Annotation: Short stories by popular authors about teenage love.
Summary: Short stories about love in the lives of teenagers written by Mass, Westerfeld, Larbalestier, Zevin and Stolarz. Marr’s story features Selchies and is reminiscent of City of Bones series. Same flavor for attraction. Westerfeld features characters that seemingly live in Anderson’s world of Feed.
Evaluation: Some stories are better than others; as is common in short story collections. However, the combined effort is worthwhile, and Westerfeld’s story alone is enough to merit purchase.
Author Info: Includes Mass, Westerfeld, Larbalestier, Zevin and Stolarz.
Selection: I love short story collections, and I’ll read anything written by Marr or Zevin.