Coffeehouse Angel - Suzanne Selfors

ISBN: 978-0802798121
Publisher: Walker Books for Young Readers
Genre: Fantasy
Age Level: 11+
Reader’s Annotation: Katrina doesn’t think much about the homeless guy outside her grandma’s coffeeshop; she just leaves a cup of coffee to warm him up. The problems start when the homeless guys turns out to be a rather cute kilt wearing angel who has to grant Katrina her heart’s true desire before he can earn his wings.
Summary: Katrina just wants to be nice when she leaves the homeless guy some scones and a cup of coffee. When the homeless guy shows up later as the adorable Malcolm Katrina is torn: believe that he is an angel come to grant her her own desire, or admit that he may be off his meds. Add a dash of coffeehouse intrigue, a nefarious neighboring shop owner and funny old sailors and you have the perfect read for a cold winter’s night.
Evaluation: A great clean read for younger readers. The characters are likeable; the plot moves at a brisk pace and readers will be genuinely concerned about the fate of the coffeehouse. While the ended is rather unlikely, it makes sense for this story and will appeal to the romantic interests of younger readers.
Author Info: Author of Saving Juliet
Booktalk Ideas: What would you wish for if you could have your heart’s desire?
Challenges: Honestly, cannot think of any. Very clean read.
Selection: I wanted to find a romance book that appealed to the senses of older tweens with plot and character, but that could be safely read by younger tweens.