Zombies Calling – Faith Erin Hicks
ISBN: 9781593620790
Publisher: SLG Publishing
Genre: Graphic Novel
Age Level: 12+
Reader’s Annotation: Joss knows exactly how to survive a zombie attack thanks to learning the “rules” – guidelines set in place via zombie movies. This knowledge comes in handy when her college is set up with zombies and she must save herself and her two best friends.
Summary: Joss is like any other college student: eager to procrastinate and willing to watch endless zombie movies. What makes her different is the eminent fact that a mad professor has turned her classmates into the evil undead. Joss must use her knowledge of “the rules” to save herself and her friends before their brains are eaten.
Evaluation: Truly, one of the most enjoyable stories I’ve read. This is laugh out loud funny, and the illustrations of soul sucking zombies are spot on. A humorous zombie book is always appreciated. With mentions of sex and several curse words, this is a graphic novel for the older tween range.
Author Info:
Booktalk Ideas: Which is better – scary zombie or funny zombie?
Challenges: Conversation about sex and virginity. Language
Selection: I admit it, I love zombies. I came across this one when I was working on a zombie booklist and had to read it.